• Ak Hospital Road - Beawar Rajasthan 305901

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Our simple to use, online appointment process makes it easy for you to book for any one of our services and doctors.


Sign Up for an Appointment

Our simple to use, online appointment process makes it easy for you to book for any one of our services and doctors.

OPD Hours

I enjoy getting to know my patients and building meaningful relationships

Monday - Saturday





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Online appointment process makes it easy for you to book for any one of our services.

Home|Eye Care

Eye Care

At Jai Clinic, We are committed to providing you with personalized and compassionate care.

Dr. Rahul Vasvani, An experienced ophthalmologist with more then 15000 phaco catract surguries in his resume committed to helping you maintain optimal vision throughout your life. Whether you need a routine eye exam, diagnosis and treatment of an eye condition, or vision correction surgeries. With bouqet of one of the best phaco machine in Rajasthan and entire array of modern lenses we welcome you to ophthal division of jai clinic.


  • Comprehensive Eye Exams
  • Sutureless Phaco Cataract Surgery
  • Glaucoma Treatment
  • Retinal Diagnostics and Treatment
  • Treatment of Eye Infections and Injuries and many more
  • आँखो के आगे काले धब्बे आना
  • रेटिना का सरकना
  • मोतियाबिन्द ऑपरेशन के बाद कम नजर आना
  • मोटा चश्मा लगाने वाले व्यक्ति को रेटिना का दोष
  • आँखों में जलन होना या पानी आना

Department Head